网络咨询 - 藏书阁(转载IT) - 厚颜

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网络咨询 2000-12-23 作者:文硕 张志刚

特定客户往往是一家具体的企业,对于此类客户,从国外咨询业的情况来看,可大致将咨询 业所能提供的服务分为三个层次。第一层次,也是最浅的层次,是信息咨询。往上提升一个 层次,是管理咨询。再往上提升,也是最高的层次,应该是战略咨询。信息咨询,可以说只 是给客户提供一些简单意义上的粗加工信息,只能解决客户的一些具体而微的并且是暂时的 难题。管理咨询,则要为客户负责投资融资、人力资源、市场营销、财务会计、生产组织等 ,不光是提供信息的问题了,而是全面参与企业的创建了。而战略咨询,则不光是为参与企 业的创建,还要从全行业的战略高度,为企业全面勾画长远的发展蓝图。目前,许多国外知 名咨询公司都是在管理咨询层面以上与客户合作,并与企业共同成长。
对非特定客户的服务,并不是咨询业的主要赢利点,但对于树立咨询企业在行业内的形象和 地位却至关重要。例如,国际知名的咨询公司麦肯锡、IDG每年甚至每个季度,都有权威和 及时的评测与分析报告向世人公布,这些报告来自于对行业的深入研究,但具有很强的实践 指导性,反过来又部分左右着行业的发展态势。
从国内的情况来看,需求肯定是有的。而且,这个需求在将来必定还会有较大的增长。因为 ,网络毕竟是一种潮流,一种方向,未来的经济增长模式,恐怕大多将与此相关。


在世界范围内,IT咨询业和作为其子业的网络咨询业是方兴未艾的朝阳产业。国际IT咨询业 1998年的总收入为594亿美元,占咨询市场总收入的2/3。1999年,24个主要从事网上购物和 互联网资讯业的公司收入在一年内翻了一番,接近30亿美元。Forrester公司预测互联网咨 询市场的规模将从1999年的106亿增加到2003年的648亿美元。专家预测,互联网网络和电子 商务时代的管理咨询与信息服务业将成为世界上最有发展前景的行业之一。
在这样的形势下,国内互联网研究与咨询业的兴起正是生逢其时,当然,我们也不能忽视这 样一个事实,目前,国内互联网经济研究和深度咨询服务几乎是一片空白。该领域被国外著 名咨询公司占尽风光。
麦肯锡咨询公司以投资谨慎闻名于世,它进入中国时首先选择上海设办事处,两年之后才在 北京设点。麦肯锡虽然在旧金山有相当规模的机构,却在仅仅几十英里开外的硅谷专门设立 办事处从事研究和咨询服务,足见技术新贵们对于战略管理咨询服务的渴求。另外一个例子 是,以管理+技术咨询服务见长的安盛咨询公司因为收费昂贵,没有外资背景的国内企业一 般鲜有敢问津者。但安盛从1999年下半年起业务量暴增数倍,新增的业务大部源于1999年下 半年以来各公司竞相上网的需求。
朗讯科技(中国)公司于去年也宣布,它将正式在中国推出NETCARE网络专业服务,以帮助客 户规划和管理日益复杂的通信网络。与此同时,朗讯宣布位于澳大利亚的亚太区NETCARE服 务中心正式成立,这项投资近1000万美元的设施将为包括中国在内的亚太区客户提供服务。 NETCARE是建立在朗讯公司现有的专业人员和网络支持服务体系基础上,向用户提供从规划 到建设集成再到网络运行维护方面的全套专业服务。据了解,目前在中国尚没有商家提出对 电信网络提供此类全套服务,大多只是提供硬件设备或提供某一阶段方面的单项服务。据新 华社报道,朗讯公司同时还宣布已在美国并购了国际网络服务公司,合并价值达37亿美元。 这一合并将对朗讯在中国的业务起到积极的推动作用。国际网络服务公司是世界上最大的独 立提供网络咨询的公司,合并后将成为朗讯NETCARE的一部分。
由此可见,管理咨询在互联网时代并没有像某些人所预言的那样必然让位于纯技术服务。恰 恰相反,由于互联网意味着全新的管理思维和战略定位,其经营方略非一般经理人仅从自身 经验可以得出,专门从事宏观研究的咨询机构才成为必需。
信息技术的发展使信息的传递由纸质信息的物理传递转向电子信息的数字化、网络化传递。 互联网的普及使网络成为21世纪信息传递的主要渠道,互联网成为一个遍及世界范围的信息 网络,为我们提供了获取网络化资源的可能性,也带来了过去所不曾想象的信息能力和极低 的信息应用成本。用户在享受信息资源便利性的同时也面临着信息变化速度快、信息量大、 加上信息噪声与信息垃圾的膨胀,“信息过剩”——资料越来越多,信息浓度却越来越低, 消化吸收越来越难,已成为企业头疼的问题。实现信息完整性、有效性、及时性仅凭企业一 己之力已难以实现,于是,互联网企业不得不依靠专业化、规模化的信息咨询机构。
在互联网时代下网络咨询业凭借自身专业化和规模化优势,通过对信息的加工、处理,从而 为企业提供可靠的依据和保障,同时信息内容的深加工可以为用户提供个人查寻难以实现的 网上服务。而且咨询业必须通过信息增值才能获得用户的信任和支持。因为信息获取的便利 性使人们更倾向呆在家里或办公室,通过网络进行信息搜索与自我服务,只有到万不得已才 会向信息服务机构求助。这就是互联网时代下信息咨询的“最小努力法则”。
互联网时代的关键是建立一个能经受考验的运营系统,创造品牌,并造就忠诚的客户群。运 营、市场营销、执行和联盟都至关重要。淘金时代可能已经过去,或将很快结束。建立成功 的数字化企业的条件很快会发生变化。
中关村正在面临这样的转型,转型期的核心问题是建立持续性的数字化企业。转型之后必须 将速度和知识结合起来提高工作绩效。企业必须做到更有效地吸取新知识,学习制定更合理 的战略和采取更明确的行动。当组织感觉到市场中的变化时,必须足够灵活,能够重新分配 资源,重新引导它的市场活动。速度和知识一块起作用,才能在决策制定时敏捷而不迟钝; 考虑周到,但不优柔寡断。
在转型后,尽管许多复杂棘手的技术难题都有待克服,事实将证明最严重的困难并不是技术 因素,而是新的形势对企业的信息、知识、资源、系统规划、组织结构和企业文化构成的挑 战。网络研发与咨询机构在这方面能够起到的作用是显而易见的。
从广义上讲,现在所有与互联网有关或打算“触网”的企业和人士所面临的问题都集中在战 略管理层面上:传统企业如何向互联网转向;已经上网的企业如何从业务流程的虚拟化过渡 到依靠电子服务创造实实在在的价值;不熟悉中国国情的外国投资人或不了解行业情况的国 内创业者如何进入中国的互联网产业。解决这些问题急需专业研究和咨询机构的帮助。
由于互联网经济有着超出技术范畴之外的制度文化内涵,对中国互联网经济的研究也应该是 在中国语境下的国别研究而不是国外研究成果的简单汉化。上述世界知名大咨询公司的服务 对国内互联网经济的发展固然作出了很大贡献,但由于中国国情的特殊性和中国互联网经济 统计数据的不足,这些公司离解决国内企业上网所实际面临的问题还有相当距离。


尽管传统咨询业已近乎“江山不守”,尽管新兴的网络市场还“弱不禁风”,但定位于网络 市场的咨询企业还是以一种强势的姿态挺进市场。
如果说方兴东的互联网工作室还只是扮演网络咨询的启蒙者并满足于田园式的小耕小作的生 产模式的话,那么姜奇平和胡泳的互联网研发中心(CII)则正式为网络咨询树起大旗并开始 了针对这一领域的市场开拓工作。而新近闯入这块市场的赛迪资讯更是完全丢掉学究气,竞 争矛头直指IDC、安达信这些进驻国内的国际咨询巨头。 去年年底,IT自由撰稿人方兴东放弃了正在攻读的高电压研究方向的博士生课程,也加入了 休学创业的热潮,与王俊秀等人创办了互联网实验室(ChinaLabs),并任首席分析家。创办 初期的互联网实验室,似乎并没有把自己定位在一个网络咨询企业的旗帜下。而在今年上半 年,互联网实验室收购了顿邦和大视野两家市场调研公司,本是波士顿办事处负责人的许琳 也回国担任“互联网实验室”的CEO。互联网实验室经过转型,明确地在向着“中国领先的 专业互联网研究和咨询机构”目标前进。
今年5月16日,号称“网络经济学家”、“骑着扫帚飞行的巫师”的姜奇平和“中国互联网 的启蒙者”胡泳创办的互联网研究与发展中心(CII)宣布成立,姜任首席科学家,胡任首席 执行官。尽管CII一再强调自己不是互联网咨询公司,而是一家研究机构,但CII的功能里确 也包含着如下条款:“根据市场需求,有选择地对国内有关企业进行案例咨询和研究,帮助 企业在数字化时代确定方向、把握机遇、占据战略制高点。”这表明了,CII并非纯粹的研 究机构,仍具有网络咨询企业的性质。它宣称其基本工作主要围绕三大方向展开:1.基础 理论研究,力求建立开放的网络经济学与网络管理学体系,为飞速发展的中国互联网实践提 供指导。2.商业报告,即每年定期发布旗舰式的中国电子商务指数(迄今为止中国第一个专 业的网络经济指数)报告,不定期发布互联网商务模式研究报告及传统行业向互联网转型商 业模式研究报告,以期对企业的定位和经营产生实质性、建设性的影响。3.企业战略咨询 ,即有选择地针对国内企业开展案例咨询和研究,帮助企业在数字化时代把握方向、抓住机 遇,占据财富变局中的战略制高点。
6月6日,来自南国IT重镇广州的网络风云人物杨震庭在北京宣布,他们成立了一家直接为.C OM公司服务的网络顾问公司——时代财富科技有限公司。杨任公司的信息总监,而公司的总 裁,是岁末年初闹得沸沸扬扬的“163事件”的主角之一的巾帼英豪张静君。从杨和张在不 同场合的讲话来看,这家网络顾问公司不太注重所谓产业研究和战略顾问之类比较务虚或长 远的东西,而是强调务实和眼前,用杨震庭的话来说,就是“做一单,赚一单”。
6月8日,赛迪资讯顾问有限公司召开了公司成立新闻发布会暨中国互联商务、移动互联网发 展专题报告会。赛迪资讯是在信息产业部下属的计算机与微电子发展研究中心(CCID),及其 核心机构——市场信息研究中心(MIC)的基础上,经股份制改组而成立的管理与信息咨询顾 问公司。据称,它是集产业政策研究、IT企业投资、企业管理咨询、市场调查研究和整合营 销传播于一体的现代信息服务企业,专业从事市场调查、信息咨询、管理顾问、营销策划、 广告代理以及招标代理业务,并将逐步开展信息化工程监理等服务业务。该公司执行总裁罗 文指出,公司客户定位于IT企业和向互联网商业模式转型的传统企业,他预测,本年度网络 咨询业大约有1亿元人民币的市场,和自己一道参与市场瓜分的仍将是IDC、安达信这样的国 际咨询巨头。
赛迪资讯认为,传统咨询业之所以始终没能兴盛起来,最主要的原因是这些企业始终在一个 低水平、低层次的层面上运作。低水平是指人员素质低下,低层次是指市场调查粗浅。而赛 迪咨询的主体员工都是硕士以上学历,其中博士生占9名。因此网络咨询业不会重蹈传统咨 询业的覆辙。
在谈到和安达信等国际咨询巨头的竞争形势时,赛迪资讯罗文表示,咨询企业的优势在于掌 握信息的数量和挑选信息的能力,而这两方面又建立在信息渠道的基础上。赛迪资讯目前拥 有政府信息渠道、协会信息渠道以及信息产业部IT市场动态信息网等强势信息源,加上本土 文化的优势,赛迪资讯不见得会输给国际咨询企业。但罗文承认,在市场实战经验方面,赛 迪资讯和那些国际咨询企业还有很大的差距。
罗文认为,互联网和蒸汽机一样,是一种工具,未来不使用这种工具的企业将很难想像会继 续生存下去,传统企业的“触网”少不了专业指导,这就是自己的市场所在。CII首席执行 官胡泳分析说:企业进军网络行业并不困难,困难的是要形成自己的竞争优势。企业要想在 新的发展时期寻找生存空间,就必须提高自己的核心竞争能力,但这种核心竞争能力的提高 来源于对整个行业的洞察以及对行业和企业的理性分析和定量研究。而这些事情靠企业自身 是很难完成的,这就为研究和咨询业的发展打开了空间。
然而正如国际管理咨询业的繁荣未能带动国内咨询业走向繁荣一样,我们实在不能把先进区 域的市场现状完全刻画成我们未来的前景。打个比方说,赛迪资讯将客户定位于向互联网商 业模式转型的传统企业和IT企业,但传统企业对于互联网其实大都处于观望状态,更坦白地 说,多数企业的领导们还根本不知道互联网为何物。而新兴的网络企业几乎清一色地克隆美 国模式,领导者多少存有“崇洋”心态,他们是否看得上国内的咨询企业还要打个问号。
且不论赛迪资讯是否是一个好企业,仅就其拥有一个由技术、市场营销、咨询等多方人才组 成的管理团队并制定了详细的市场发展目标来看,它在网络咨询领域就已经有了革命性的进 步。オ

其实,中国首批网络顾问早在今年4月就登台亮相。专业互联网顾问机构北京多维时空网络 顾问公司最近在中关村正式挂牌,这意味着中国开始有了自己的“网络顾问”。
新成立的这家公司首席网络顾问吕本富博士认为,“网络顾问”是对那些专门从事互联网业 、信息产业的高级咨询人员的特称。这些人一般具有深厚的互联网业务背景,具备完整的网 络咨询专业知识体系,从业时间至少在5年以上。由于互联网业是一项新兴的产业,所以即 使在互联网比较发达的国家,专业性的网络顾问人才也供不应求。互联网在中国的发展速度 超乎想象,但目前还存在着各种网站无序发展的迹象。网络顾问公司的出现,一方面反映出 中国互联网的发展正日趋成熟,另一方面也必将促使中国互联网企业越来越规范化。オ

3Com公司咨询服务事业部开辟了四种新服务,旨在对中小企业客户提供打包的、可扩展的创 新商业解决方案,这些解决方案将充分发挥3Com公司在网络技术、渠道伙伴和战略性的电子 商务咨询关系方面的优势。
3Com公司咨询服务部的副总裁兼总经理Chu Chang指出:“我们正在快速成长并且完善我们 的网络技能,因此我们可以基于简单、可靠的网络提供各种完整的电子商务解决方案。借助 在VoIP和无线等领域的专长,我们正在将注意力转移到教育机构、新兴的眂om公司、以及 工商企业客户,并为他们提供新型服务。”
通过积极招聘人才,收购公司和发展战略伙伴关系,3Com公司一直在建设其咨询业务。其结 果是3Com公司的客户正在从这些新型商务解决方案中获得好处,这些新方案来源于网络方面 的最新创新设计以及目前最好的咨询和电子商务专业精英团队。
3Com公司咨询服务部的市场总监Alan Rice指出:“基于我们在话音和数据网络解决方案方 面的长期专业特长,我们已经成功地建立了咨询业务,之后我们还收购了Interactive Web Concept公司,帮助我们通过增加因特网商务战略,创新设计和软件工程技巧,更好地发展 电子商务咨询服务。”3Com公司的咨询服务现已迅速发展成为一个强健的咨询事业,并且正在帮助3Com网络设备进 入新市场。增加这些新服务将提高部署许多新型创新解决方案的能力,即客户服务中心,企 业移动性和多媒体统一等。这些项目目前都在3Com公司和marchFIRST公司之间的联盟中开发。
3Com公司的咨询服务目前正在积极与渠道伙伴联合行动,销售和实施这些新型电子商务解决 方案。通过组合部署新服务的诸多解决方案,3Com公司的咨询服务将建立渠道配送“蓝图” ,为合作伙伴呈现向其客户提供更多最新网络和电子商务解决方案的机会。3Com公司将其渠 道合作伙伴和系统集成商纳入咨询过程的战略是其在网络咨询业中有别于竞争对手的关键。
Unisys e-@ction远程网络管理服务使用户可以将网络的可用性提升至最大,用户能够在任 何时候访问关键业务型应用。
3Com咨询服务部门与Unisys公司还将利用e-Networks解决方案为客户提供联网咨询。3Com公 司的e-Networks解决方案是专为各行各业应用电子商务而进行设计和优化的。e-Networks为 语音、视频和数据应用提供广泛地支持,并提供各类用来通过Internet、intranet或extran et访问这些应用的产品以及一个确保网络可用并且可靠的强大系统。3Com公司的e-Networks 解决方案再加上Unisys公司的e-@ction远程网络管理服务将为用户提供全套的网络咨询新服 务,从而实现更快、更廉价并且占用更少资源的网络。


互联网实验室成立于1999年9月,是当时中国第一家专业的从事互联网研究和咨询的机构。作为一个商业咨询机构,它们为企业提供战略上、市场运作的解决方案,此外,周围还有一些相关业务,定位在围绕互联网和电子商务提供全方位的咨询服务公司,如提供全方位的战略、技术、营销咨询等。近期还推出一项新型服务——对互联网的调查检测,即从商业研究和咨询的角度出发,对一些需要掌握的基本数据进行收集,从而不仅获得中国互联网客观的 基本数据,并不断满足对研究的需要和给予相关客户进行参考,同样也可能会和CNNIC或国 外的监测机构进行合作共同进行数据收集,确保其相对准确。
任何一个咨询公司都不可能对一个公司起到起死回生的作用,实验室在选择客户时首先考虑 这个公司是否有可能被改善的基础;其次相同定位的互联网公司只会选择一家,因此客户都 是在其领域中处于领先地位或具有非常潜质的公司。在业务开展前都要与客户的CEO进行良 好的沟通,以便为以后的实际操作铺平道路,同时避免未经缜密的商讨和计划的研究结论在 事后被全盘推翻或无可操作性。
该实验室的产品可以分成几类:一类是定期所做的研究分析报告,这类都会发送给相应的客 户进行参考,这一类普遍是短期客户;第二类是长期客户,基本是在每一、两个月中针对一 个重点进行完善或深入研究,它的题目不是固定的,最初可能在战略上多一些,然后逐渐地 向其运作方面深入研究;第三类是接单比较多的,即针对客户的某一方面问题(如组织结构 如何有效运作、B2C能否转向B2B等)进行专题研究,提供咨询服务。
互联网研究与发展中心(CII,China Internet Institute)是我国最近成立不久的重量级互 联网咨询机构之一,其重点研究互联网经济及商务模式,基本工作主要围绕三大方向展开: 基础理论研究,力求建立开放的网络经济学与网络管理学体系,为飞速发展的中国互联网实 践提供指导;商业报告,即每年定期发布旗舰式的中国电子商务指数(迄今为止中国第一个 专业的网络经济指数)报告,不定期发布互联网商务模式研究报告及传统行业向互联网转型 商业模式研究报告,以期对企业的定位和经营产生实质性、建设性的影响;企业战略咨询, 即有选择地针对国内企业开展案例咨询和研究,帮助企业在数字化时代把握方向、抓住机遇 ,占据财富变局中的战略制高点。
佛瑞斯特研究中心(Forrester Research Inc)是美国著名的互联网研究咨询权威机构,其 研究范围主要包括:互联网如何改变经济模式;新兴网络公司如何创新自强;传统公司如何 加入电子商务潮流;如何整合信息流、物流与金流,有效顺应未来电子商务模式;市场分析 研究与策略引导;消费者行为模式分析。该中心首次提出的“科技消费学”概念,明确指出 了消费者对科技的态度,乃是驱动网络消费行为的惟一力量。
早在1994年电子商务大潮兴起之时,麦肯锡便已加快电子商务方面项目的步伐,率先成立电 子商务业务中心-@麦肯锡。目前全球6000名麦肯锡咨询人员中有三分之一强从事电子商务领 域业务,而今遍布大中华地区的上百位咨询顾问为近200个电子商务项目向跨国公司、中国 初创公司及相关机构提供相关咨询服务,以便尽快帮助他们寻求到最佳的管理解决之路,赶 上电子商务全速发展的高速车。
今年年初,麦肯锡针对国内经济环境和市场进行了专业调研项目,取得了对中国互联网和电 子商务市场的全面研究成果,包括终端使用者的细分和使用模式、互联网接入技术和发展趋 势、影响门户的因素、B2C和B2B的机遇与挑战、电子商务服务业界的整体态势、以及日益蓬 勃的中国资本市场局势。
在麦肯锡研究和实践中,他们发现诸多的客观和历史因素,如中文字符的输入难题、互联网 介入和设施的不普及和消费者对网上安全的顾虑,都造成在中国实施电子商务战略的特殊性 和复杂性。制定成功的电子商务策略,关键离不开理解消费者、寻求竞争优势和设计令人信 服的价值主张。中国地区缺乏经验丰富的电子商务人才,同时由于政府的限制以及物流配送 和付款信用等方面的问题,阻碍电子商务的建立和成功发展。惟有通过吸引高素质的管理和 技术人才,落实稳妥的组织结构和体系,寻求战略联系关系,才能建立健康的电子商务公司 。多数互联网竭尽全力吸引访问者,却忽视了将他们“转换”成常客并“留住”这些常客。 目前这些转换的成功率还不到13%。因此,必须持续不断地考察业绩指标,策划营销方案 ,将偶然为之的访客发展成频频登“门”交易的常客,才可能稳步走上赢利之路。
麦肯锡帮助客户创造价值,从而降低成本,推动电子商务的发展。具体措施的作用首先是 避免价格差异,价格透明度高,产品信息详细;平衡供应需求之间关系的市场机制。其次是 减少流程损耗和成本。再者是优化采购及供货流程管理,再次降低成本。促进公司的业务上 岗,减少所有成本。这个过程还需要多方面的支持,来自软件供应商、硬件供应商、咨询公 司和企业自身的价值观。
麦肯锡中国分公司目前进行一系列的研究工作重点是,从了解最终用户包括个人和专业人员 着手,研究公司如何获得技术和基础设施的完善,介于中国本地状况客户需要怎样的服务, 以及同国外的差异,在中国如何发展BtoB、BtoC的正确发展方向。
帮助中国公司发展具体工作是以下三个方面:一是帮其寻求发展机会,制定相对应的发展战 略,如找到价值链方面,拓展新业务、销售渠道和经营方式。二是建立新企业,如建立分销 门户站。三是利用电子商务采购方案改善业绩。
麦肯锡中国分公司启动电子商务的金钥匙是:与众不同的发展计划是必胜法宝的前提,从制 定企业发展计划到实施最少需要一年的时间,每三个月可以当作一个发展阶段,针对不同的 发展阶段制定详尽的方案。在此基础上,要有出奇制胜的运营结构方式,成功企业的运作须 有丰富的资源支撑,介于公司发展的不同阶段,及时调整发展战略;同时需要新技能的补充 ,如网点工作和营销策略等,并结合现有产业专家的分析,以求最快的发展效率。产业专家 不仅是MBA,还应包括技术专家和行业内部专家,将他们有机结构起来,给予相应的发展空 间。尽管网络业内年轻人从业者较多,但年轻人在拥有充足的精力和最新的理念与价值观的 前提下,还应灌以丰富的经验。最后必不可缺的是建立完善的管理系统,企业应与现有环境 互动,应用新解决方案来弥补时间差。创建规范性的经营机制中,一项是发挥企业资源中重 要的人力资源。在人员管理方面应加强管理,采用激励机制吸引优秀人才,营造友好积极的 工作环境,调动人员的积极性,发挥其特长以推动企业发展。
也就是说,制胜的三大法宝是合理的计划,有机的机构,严格管理流程和业绩管理。这是针 对不同的产业和不同的问题制定量身方案。

文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 13:52:03

互联网实验室和CII好象作为不了咨询业的代表,也就是趁着。COM风起来,现在也不行了好象,关键症结在于他们没有很深厚的根基去做咨询。 IDC在美国也算不上最好的咨询公司,我感觉和麦、安等都有差距。美国最知名的GARTENER GROUP在中国的名声虽不大,但实力要比我们所知道的一些咨询公司水平高,但很可惜中国人很少提及到他。 国内做企业咨询比较出色的应该是汉普、新华信等,当然也包括和我关系密切的易观咨询了,呵呵!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 16:55:20

【(厚颜堂主)回复(快乐分裂)的大作】 哦,是Gartner啊!听说过,听说过! 在中国的表现比较“神秘” 呵呵:))) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:34:23

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 With more than 20 years experience identifying and analyzing the trends and technologies that have shaped the course of business, Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT and ITB) provides unrivaled thought leadership and strategic consulting services to more than 11,000 organizations worldwide. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, Gartner helps its clients understand and capitalize on regional market opportunities within a larger global business context. The company boasts unparalleled international capabilities within the research and consulting community, established through 4,300 associates in more than 90 locations worldwide, including Brisbane, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Surrey, Sao Paolo and Tokyo. Founded in 1979, Gartner achieved revenues of $952 million during fiscal year 2001. The company reaches IT professionals through Gartner Research, its research and advisory unit; Gartner Consulting; Gartner Events, including Gartner's renowned Symposia; and online at Gartner is organized into four sectors designed to provide clients with the full range of research and consulting services required to drive the efficient and effective use of IT. These sectors include: Gartner Research & Advisory Services For 20 years, Gartner's Research & Advisory services have been recognized as the definitive source for objective technology thought leadership. Business growth today is driven largely by technology for firms, governments and organizations. Gartner clients rely on 650 analysts around the world who have an average tenure of 10-15 years in technology. Many Gartner analysts are former CIOs and all have extensive previous business technology expertise. In the United States, Gartner analysts are often called before the U.S. Congress to discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. Gartner has the most comprehensive body of global research that reports on and analyzes the technologies that drive business and organizational success. The more than 200 research topics include customer relationship management (CRM), business-to-business e-commerce, supply chain management, wireless, emerging technologies, security, IT services, e-business, and IT spending and strategies. discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. The company maintains this objectivity through its proprietary research methodology as well as its diverse client base of both IT vendors and implementers. In fact, vendors make up only 20 percent of the company's revenue while implementers -- CEOs, CIOs and corporate strategists from traditional businesses -- represent the remaining 80 percent. Gartner Consulting Gartner Consulting leverages the company's industry-leading research capabilities to deliver hands-on client support, from strategy to measurable results. Gartner consultants are technology mentors for business executives and IT professionals. While Gartner consultants are focused on the horizon of e-business and technology, they also see the world in great detail. In 2001, Gartner Consulting completed thousands of engagements in areas ranging from e-business strategy to measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of global manufacturing operations. Because Gartner consultants do not implement technology solutions, they serve as independent advisors on technology assessment and procurement, project development, measurement, and technology management such as total cost of ownership, CRM, IT spending recommendations and hundreds of customized programs. Gartner Consulting also develops and executes industrywide studies sponsored by multiple clients seeking benchmarking and deliverables that often set the standards for marketing and measuring emerging technologies. Gartner Measurement Gartner Measurement is host to the world's largest database of industry benchmarks. Gartner clients populate the database anonymously in order to benefit from benchmarking capabilities such as measuring a business' performance against vertical peer companies and measuring against any or all companies in the database. Gartner Measurement delivers the most sophisticated suite of software products, called Decision Tools. These dashboard services measure total cost of ownership, total impact of innovation and return on investment. Decision Tools, the flagship benchmarking software, delivers tools for IT professionals and business strategists to gauge technology effectiveness. Gartner Community Gartner Community is a range of peer networking programs designed to bring together business executives and IT professionals. 1. Research Board: This exclusive think tank brings together global CIOs. 2. Executive Programs: These by-invitation-only executive programs outline the key business drivers and best practices for the new economy. 3. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: This event is the IT industry's largest conference. Hosted in Brisbane, Australia; Cannes, France; San Diego, California; Florence, Italy; Orlando, Florida; Tokyo, Japan; Toronto, Canada; and Sandton, South Africa, this event features more than 200 sessions led by Gartner analysts. 4. Regional events: each year Gartner hosts 65 events worldwide. In 2001, more than 40,000 executives and IT professionals attended Gartner events. Gartner, Inc. is led by Michael Fleisher, 36, who became CEO in October 1999 and Chairman and CEO in September 2001. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Fleisher was Chief Financial Officer (1999) and Executive Vice President and President for Emerging Businesses (October 1996 to January 1999). Mr. Fleisher's previous business experience includes three-year tenures at Information Partners (1990-1993) and Bain & Company (1987-1990). Mr. Fleisher also serves on the Board of Directors of TruSecure and holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of Business.

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:32:12

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 呵呵,是Gartner,发现刚才拼写有误!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 15:22:55

互联网实验室和CII的问题有很多,值得用点心思和笔墨研究总结! 麦、安的确是我所知道的最好的公司,不过我觉得从某种意义上说,SAP也是个不错的“咨询”公司。至于GARTENER GROUP我还真不了解,还望快乐指点、介绍。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 16:55:20

【(厚颜堂主)回复(快乐分裂)的大作】 哦,是Gartner啊!听说过,听说过! 在中国的表现比较“神秘” 呵呵:))) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:34:23

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 With more than 20 years experience identifying and analyzing the trends and technologies that have shaped the course of business, Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT and ITB) provides unrivaled thought leadership and strategic consulting services to more than 11,000 organizations worldwide. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, Gartner helps its clients understand and capitalize on regional market opportunities within a larger global business context. The company boasts unparalleled international capabilities within the research and consulting community, established through 4,300 associates in more than 90 locations worldwide, including Brisbane, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Surrey, Sao Paolo and Tokyo. Founded in 1979, Gartner achieved revenues of $952 million during fiscal year 2001. The company reaches IT professionals through Gartner Research, its research and advisory unit; Gartner Consulting; Gartner Events, including Gartner's renowned Symposia; and online at Gartner is organized into four sectors designed to provide clients with the full range of research and consulting services required to drive the efficient and effective use of IT. These sectors include: Gartner Research & Advisory Services For 20 years, Gartner's Research & Advisory services have been recognized as the definitive source for objective technology thought leadership. Business growth today is driven largely by technology for firms, governments and organizations. Gartner clients rely on 650 analysts around the world who have an average tenure of 10-15 years in technology. Many Gartner analysts are former CIOs and all have extensive previous business technology expertise. In the United States, Gartner analysts are often called before the U.S. Congress to discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. Gartner has the most comprehensive body of global research that reports on and analyzes the technologies that drive business and organizational success. The more than 200 research topics include customer relationship management (CRM), business-to-business e-commerce, supply chain management, wireless, emerging technologies, security, IT services, e-business, and IT spending and strategies. discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. The company maintains this objectivity through its proprietary research methodology as well as its diverse client base of both IT vendors and implementers. In fact, vendors make up only 20 percent of the company's revenue while implementers -- CEOs, CIOs and corporate strategists from traditional businesses -- represent the remaining 80 percent. Gartner Consulting Gartner Consulting leverages the company's industry-leading research capabilities to deliver hands-on client support, from strategy to measurable results. Gartner consultants are technology mentors for business executives and IT professionals. While Gartner consultants are focused on the horizon of e-business and technology, they also see the world in great detail. In 2001, Gartner Consulting completed thousands of engagements in areas ranging from e-business strategy to measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of global manufacturing operations. Because Gartner consultants do not implement technology solutions, they serve as independent advisors on technology assessment and procurement, project development, measurement, and technology management such as total cost of ownership, CRM, IT spending recommendations and hundreds of customized programs. Gartner Consulting also develops and executes industrywide studies sponsored by multiple clients seeking benchmarking and deliverables that often set the standards for marketing and measuring emerging technologies. Gartner Measurement Gartner Measurement is host to the world's largest database of industry benchmarks. Gartner clients populate the database anonymously in order to benefit from benchmarking capabilities such as measuring a business' performance against vertical peer companies and measuring against any or all companies in the database. Gartner Measurement delivers the most sophisticated suite of software products, called Decision Tools. These dashboard services measure total cost of ownership, total impact of innovation and return on investment. Decision Tools, the flagship benchmarking software, delivers tools for IT professionals and business strategists to gauge technology effectiveness. Gartner Community Gartner Community is a range of peer networking programs designed to bring together business executives and IT professionals. 1. Research Board: This exclusive think tank brings together global CIOs. 2. Executive Programs: These by-invitation-only executive programs outline the key business drivers and best practices for the new economy. 3. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: This event is the IT industry's largest conference. Hosted in Brisbane, Australia; Cannes, France; San Diego, California; Florence, Italy; Orlando, Florida; Tokyo, Japan; Toronto, Canada; and Sandton, South Africa, this event features more than 200 sessions led by Gartner analysts. 4. Regional events: each year Gartner hosts 65 events worldwide. In 2001, more than 40,000 executives and IT professionals attended Gartner events. Gartner, Inc. is led by Michael Fleisher, 36, who became CEO in October 1999 and Chairman and CEO in September 2001. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Fleisher was Chief Financial Officer (1999) and Executive Vice President and President for Emerging Businesses (October 1996 to January 1999). Mr. Fleisher's previous business experience includes three-year tenures at Information Partners (1990-1993) and Bain & Company (1987-1990). Mr. Fleisher also serves on the Board of Directors of TruSecure and holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of Business.

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:32:12

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 呵呵,是Gartner,发现刚才拼写有误!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 15:22:55

互联网实验室和CII的问题有很多,值得用点心思和笔墨研究总结! 麦、安的确是我所知道的最好的公司,不过我觉得从某种意义上说,SAP也是个不错的“咨询”公司。至于GARTENER GROUP我还真不了解,还望快乐指点、介绍。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 13:52:03

互联网实验室和CII好象作为不了咨询业的代表,也就是趁着。COM风起来,现在也不行了好象,关键症结在于他们没有很深厚的根基去做咨询。 IDC在美国也算不上最好的咨询公司,我感觉和麦、安等都有差距。美国最知名的GARTENER GROUP在中国的名声虽不大,但实力要比我们所知道的一些咨询公司水平高,但很可惜中国人很少提及到他。 国内做企业咨询比较出色的应该是汉普、新华信等,当然也包括和我关系密切的易观咨询了,呵呵!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 16:55:20

【(厚颜堂主)回复(快乐分裂)的大作】 哦,是Gartner啊!听说过,听说过! 在中国的表现比较“神秘” 呵呵:))) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:34:23

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 With more than 20 years experience identifying and analyzing the trends and technologies that have shaped the course of business, Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT and ITB) provides unrivaled thought leadership and strategic consulting services to more than 11,000 organizations worldwide. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, Gartner helps its clients understand and capitalize on regional market opportunities within a larger global business context. The company boasts unparalleled international capabilities within the research and consulting community, established through 4,300 associates in more than 90 locations worldwide, including Brisbane, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Surrey, Sao Paolo and Tokyo. Founded in 1979, Gartner achieved revenues of $952 million during fiscal year 2001. The company reaches IT professionals through Gartner Research, its research and advisory unit; Gartner Consulting; Gartner Events, including Gartner's renowned Symposia; and online at Gartner is organized into four sectors designed to provide clients with the full range of research and consulting services required to drive the efficient and effective use of IT. These sectors include: Gartner Research & Advisory Services For 20 years, Gartner's Research & Advisory services have been recognized as the definitive source for objective technology thought leadership. Business growth today is driven largely by technology for firms, governments and organizations. Gartner clients rely on 650 analysts around the world who have an average tenure of 10-15 years in technology. Many Gartner analysts are former CIOs and all have extensive previous business technology expertise. In the United States, Gartner analysts are often called before the U.S. Congress to discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. Gartner has the most comprehensive body of global research that reports on and analyzes the technologies that drive business and organizational success. The more than 200 research topics include customer relationship management (CRM), business-to-business e-commerce, supply chain management, wireless, emerging technologies, security, IT services, e-business, and IT spending and strategies. discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. The company maintains this objectivity through its proprietary research methodology as well as its diverse client base of both IT vendors and implementers. In fact, vendors make up only 20 percent of the company's revenue while implementers -- CEOs, CIOs and corporate strategists from traditional businesses -- represent the remaining 80 percent. Gartner Consulting Gartner Consulting leverages the company's industry-leading research capabilities to deliver hands-on client support, from strategy to measurable results. Gartner consultants are technology mentors for business executives and IT professionals. While Gartner consultants are focused on the horizon of e-business and technology, they also see the world in great detail. In 2001, Gartner Consulting completed thousands of engagements in areas ranging from e-business strategy to measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of global manufacturing operations. Because Gartner consultants do not implement technology solutions, they serve as independent advisors on technology assessment and procurement, project development, measurement, and technology management such as total cost of ownership, CRM, IT spending recommendations and hundreds of customized programs. Gartner Consulting also develops and executes industrywide studies sponsored by multiple clients seeking benchmarking and deliverables that often set the standards for marketing and measuring emerging technologies. Gartner Measurement Gartner Measurement is host to the world's largest database of industry benchmarks. Gartner clients populate the database anonymously in order to benefit from benchmarking capabilities such as measuring a business' performance against vertical peer companies and measuring against any or all companies in the database. Gartner Measurement delivers the most sophisticated suite of software products, called Decision Tools. These dashboard services measure total cost of ownership, total impact of innovation and return on investment. Decision Tools, the flagship benchmarking software, delivers tools for IT professionals and business strategists to gauge technology effectiveness. Gartner Community Gartner Community is a range of peer networking programs designed to bring together business executives and IT professionals. 1. Research Board: This exclusive think tank brings together global CIOs. 2. Executive Programs: These by-invitation-only executive programs outline the key business drivers and best practices for the new economy. 3. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: This event is the IT industry's largest conference. Hosted in Brisbane, Australia; Cannes, France; San Diego, California; Florence, Italy; Orlando, Florida; Tokyo, Japan; Toronto, Canada; and Sandton, South Africa, this event features more than 200 sessions led by Gartner analysts. 4. Regional events: each year Gartner hosts 65 events worldwide. In 2001, more than 40,000 executives and IT professionals attended Gartner events. Gartner, Inc. is led by Michael Fleisher, 36, who became CEO in October 1999 and Chairman and CEO in September 2001. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Fleisher was Chief Financial Officer (1999) and Executive Vice President and President for Emerging Businesses (October 1996 to January 1999). Mr. Fleisher's previous business experience includes three-year tenures at Information Partners (1990-1993) and Bain & Company (1987-1990). Mr. Fleisher also serves on the Board of Directors of TruSecure and holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of Business.

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:32:12

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 呵呵,是Gartner,发现刚才拼写有误!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 15:22:55

互联网实验室和CII的问题有很多,值得用点心思和笔墨研究总结! 麦、安的确是我所知道的最好的公司,不过我觉得从某种意义上说,SAP也是个不错的“咨询”公司。至于GARTENER GROUP我还真不了解,还望快乐指点、介绍。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 16:55:20

【(厚颜堂主)回复(快乐分裂)的大作】 哦,是Gartner啊!听说过,听说过! 在中国的表现比较“神秘” 呵呵:))) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:34:23

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 With more than 20 years experience identifying and analyzing the trends and technologies that have shaped the course of business, Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT and ITB) provides unrivaled thought leadership and strategic consulting services to more than 11,000 organizations worldwide. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, Gartner helps its clients understand and capitalize on regional market opportunities within a larger global business context. The company boasts unparalleled international capabilities within the research and consulting community, established through 4,300 associates in more than 90 locations worldwide, including Brisbane, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Surrey, Sao Paolo and Tokyo. Founded in 1979, Gartner achieved revenues of $952 million during fiscal year 2001. The company reaches IT professionals through Gartner Research, its research and advisory unit; Gartner Consulting; Gartner Events, including Gartner's renowned Symposia; and online at Gartner is organized into four sectors designed to provide clients with the full range of research and consulting services required to drive the efficient and effective use of IT. These sectors include: Gartner Research & Advisory Services For 20 years, Gartner's Research & Advisory services have been recognized as the definitive source for objective technology thought leadership. Business growth today is driven largely by technology for firms, governments and organizations. Gartner clients rely on 650 analysts around the world who have an average tenure of 10-15 years in technology. Many Gartner analysts are former CIOs and all have extensive previous business technology expertise. In the United States, Gartner analysts are often called before the U.S. Congress to discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. Gartner has the most comprehensive body of global research that reports on and analyzes the technologies that drive business and organizational success. The more than 200 research topics include customer relationship management (CRM), business-to-business e-commerce, supply chain management, wireless, emerging technologies, security, IT services, e-business, and IT spending and strategies. discuss the critical business and technology issues that are driving today's economy. The company maintains this objectivity through its proprietary research methodology as well as its diverse client base of both IT vendors and implementers. In fact, vendors make up only 20 percent of the company's revenue while implementers -- CEOs, CIOs and corporate strategists from traditional businesses -- represent the remaining 80 percent. Gartner Consulting Gartner Consulting leverages the company's industry-leading research capabilities to deliver hands-on client support, from strategy to measurable results. Gartner consultants are technology mentors for business executives and IT professionals. While Gartner consultants are focused on the horizon of e-business and technology, they also see the world in great detail. In 2001, Gartner Consulting completed thousands of engagements in areas ranging from e-business strategy to measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of global manufacturing operations. Because Gartner consultants do not implement technology solutions, they serve as independent advisors on technology assessment and procurement, project development, measurement, and technology management such as total cost of ownership, CRM, IT spending recommendations and hundreds of customized programs. Gartner Consulting also develops and executes industrywide studies sponsored by multiple clients seeking benchmarking and deliverables that often set the standards for marketing and measuring emerging technologies. Gartner Measurement Gartner Measurement is host to the world's largest database of industry benchmarks. Gartner clients populate the database anonymously in order to benefit from benchmarking capabilities such as measuring a business' performance against vertical peer companies and measuring against any or all companies in the database. Gartner Measurement delivers the most sophisticated suite of software products, called Decision Tools. These dashboard services measure total cost of ownership, total impact of innovation and return on investment. Decision Tools, the flagship benchmarking software, delivers tools for IT professionals and business strategists to gauge technology effectiveness. Gartner Community Gartner Community is a range of peer networking programs designed to bring together business executives and IT professionals. 1. Research Board: This exclusive think tank brings together global CIOs. 2. Executive Programs: These by-invitation-only executive programs outline the key business drivers and best practices for the new economy. 3. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: This event is the IT industry's largest conference. Hosted in Brisbane, Australia; Cannes, France; San Diego, California; Florence, Italy; Orlando, Florida; Tokyo, Japan; Toronto, Canada; and Sandton, South Africa, this event features more than 200 sessions led by Gartner analysts. 4. Regional events: each year Gartner hosts 65 events worldwide. In 2001, more than 40,000 executives and IT professionals attended Gartner events. Gartner, Inc. is led by Michael Fleisher, 36, who became CEO in October 1999 and Chairman and CEO in September 2001. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Fleisher was Chief Financial Officer (1999) and Executive Vice President and President for Emerging Businesses (October 1996 to January 1999). Mr. Fleisher's previous business experience includes three-year tenures at Information Partners (1990-1993) and Bain & Company (1987-1990). Mr. Fleisher also serves on the Board of Directors of TruSecure and holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of Business.

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 快乐分裂 - 2001-11-16 16:32:12

【(快乐分裂)回复(厚颜堂主)的大作】 呵呵,是Gartner,发现刚才拼写有误!

RE:文章评论:网络咨询 - 厚颜堂主 - 2001-11-16 15:22:55

互联网实验室和CII的问题有很多,值得用点心思和笔墨研究总结! 麦、安的确是我所知道的最好的公司,不过我觉得从某种意义上说,SAP也是个不错的“咨询”公司。至于GARTENER GROUP我还真不了解,还望快乐指点、介绍。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 厚而不黑,忍而不恶,是为仁者乎???