Attitude is Everything - 生活 - 柳倩

(这条文章已经被阅读了 96 次) 时间:2001-10-23 08:47:05 来源:柳倩 (华浓) 原创-非IT

Attitude is Everything

What is life’s essence?Million dollars?Big house?Luxurious car?No!Life is just your attitude toward life.A different kind of attitude leads to a different kind of life.

We are always prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our house rather than by the quality of our work and inner feeling.As a young girl,I don’t know what my destiny will be and most of us also don’t know our destiney.But there is one thing I know:the only ones among us who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to live a real life.Your life’s quality depends on your attitude toward your life,not on any item of fortune you made.Just follow your heart to make yourself happy and make people around you happy.

When I was a part-time editor in a newspaper,my days were filled with anxiety and depression.Every hour,every day,so much work to do,so much trouble.Sometimes the pressure even drove me crazy.My bad mood did’t come along with me until I met a man who was a chief editor in another newspaper.I found him always in a good mood and always had something positive to say.That made me curious.So one day I asked him,”how can you get it?How can you be such a positive,up person all the time?How do you do it?”

He replied,”Each morning I wake up and say to myself,’I have two choice today.You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’I choose to be in a good mood.Each time something bad happens,I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it.I choose to learn from it.Every time someone comes to me complaining,I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life,I choose the positive side of life.”
“Yes,that’s good.But it’s not that easy,”I protested.

“Yes it is,”He said.”Life is all about your choices.When you cut away all the junk,every situation is a choice.You choose how you react to situations.You choose how people will affect your mood.You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood.The bottom line:it’s your choice how you live life.”

His words have stayed in my mind from then on.I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.Attitude,after all,is everything.

文章评论:Attitude is Everything--not at all - tyro - 2001-10-23 11:20:00

We have all been to those meetings where someone wants more than 100%. Well here's how you do that. Here's how you can achieve 103%. First of all, here's a little math that might prove helpful in the future. How does one achieve 100% in LIFE? Begin by noting the following. IF: A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9 J = 10 K = 11 L = 12 M = 13 N = 14 O = 15 P = 16 Q = 17 R = 18 S = 19 T = 20 U = 21 V = 22 W = 23 X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26 Then: H A R D W O R K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = Only 98% Similarly, K N O W L E D G E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = Only 96% But interesting (and as you'd expect), A T T I T U D E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% ... This is how you achieve 100% in LIFE. But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO NOTE (or REALIZE), is B U L L S H I T 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% So now you know what all those high-priced consultants, upper management, and motivational speakers really mean when they want to exceed 100%! Kaushal Baxi

RE:文章评论:Attitude is Everything--not at all - 华浓 - 2001-10-23 20:04:08

【(华浓)回复(tyro)的大作】 well ,you said the mean deeply. as me,it's only my view.

RE:文章评论:Attitude is Everything--not at all - 宋兵甲 - 2001-10-23 20:30:39

【(宋兵甲)回复(tyro)的大作】 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 bull shit is more than Attitude! thats why it always works SHIT happens everyday! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 凉风有~信,秋~~月无边,亏我思娇~的情绪好比渡~日~如~年,虽则我不是玉~!树临风、潇~洒倜傥,但是我有广阔的胸襟和强劲的臂~~弯~~~~~~~~~

RE:文章评论:Attitude is Everything--not at all - 华浓 - 2001-10-23 20:40:27

【(华浓)回复(宋兵甲)的大作】 you mind,your thinking is different from the other one. my article,our discussion is just common exchange opinion.