Maya fights CNN cybersquatting claim - 媒体说我 - 孙继伟

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Tom China portal fights CNN cybersquatting claim

南华早报 2000年10月25日

A mainland Internet portal partly conrtolled by Li Ka-shing;s has vowed to “fight to the end”claims by US cable television giant CNN-Cable Network News-that it has been cybersquatting.

  CNN has sent a legal letter to the Chinese portal,,asking it to stop using its domain name before October 16kr face legal action,according to the China News Service.

  Maya Online,which provides Chinese-language news under that domain name,has rejected the claims in a reply to the American network.It has vowed to “fight to the end” if CNN pursues the claim in court,the China News Service said.

  The assistant general manager of Maya Online,Sun Jiwei,said cnnews stood for China nwes,according to the news agency report.

  He said it had nothing to do with or CNN,according to the agency.

  News channel was co-funded by Maya Online, and an information technology firm owned by the Shanghai municipal government.

  According to CNN’s letter,lawyers representing CNN said Maya’s domain name “infringes and dilutes our client’s rights to the CNN mark…”

  The letter said CNN adopted the service mark CNN in 1980 to identify its electronic news and information services.It said the United States Patent & Trademark Office had granted CNN numerous registrations for marks containing “CNN”.

  CNN made its worldwide news services available in a number of languages and the content appearing on the Web site was accessible in Chinese as well.

  It said was posting competitive Chinese-language news content on the Web site.

  If Maya failed to respond,the letter said,CNN would pursue all available remedies under anti-cybersquatting provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and file a lawsuit in the US for transfer of the domain name.

  China News Service quoted mainland Internet legal experts as saying the claims by CNN were ill-founded.

  A senior judge in charge of intellectual property under the Beijing High People’s Court,Cheng Yongshun,said Maya appeared to have convincing reasons to defend its domain name.The Chinese experts attributed the dispute to CNN’s lack of understanding of the name

  CNN officials could not be reached for comment.