(这条文章已经被阅读了 111 次) 时间:2001-08-13 18:31:32 来源:郑宏 (郑宏) 原创-IT
本刊讯 (记者 郑宏) 正在美国度假的阚凯力博士今天给记者回信,他在信中声明,辞去北京邮电大学经济管理学院院长的职务与自己提出拆分中国电信的方案无关。(回信全文附后)
Zheng Hong,
Thanks for your kind words and concern.
My resignation from BUPT’s business school has nothing to do with my opinion about China Telecom. The reason for my resignation from dean is because I feel that I have done all that could be done as dean.Furthermore, I would like to concentrate on telecom policy research, including the splitting of ChinaTelecom. Also, I will still teach courses at my school with BUPT. Currently I am on family vacation in the US until late this month. I belong to China and will stay in China for sure.
Please keep all your friends informed about my status,
and do not believe in rumors. Thank you.
Kaili Kan
ps: Sorry that I can only write you in English while
being in the US.